From the Washington Folk Festival at Glen Echo Park , May 31, 2008.
The Batala Percussion Band started in Washington, DC in June, 2007. We're an international all women band, that plays Afro-Brazilian / Samba-Reggae rhythms.
Just your typical middle aged capitalist neocon engineer. I'm a resident of the Inside-the Beltway Virginia suburbs, with a wife, two kids, a dog, and a minivan.
This issue is not going away. If many loyal, progressive Democrats remain
troubled by this issue, then there must be even more unease among key swing
voters....If Mr. Obama doesn't show a willingness to
try to answer all the questions now, John McCain and the Republican attack
machine will not waste a minute pressuring him to do so if he is the Democratic
Party's choice in the fall. But by then, it may be too late (emphasis added).
Cai Guo-Qiang is internationally acclaimed as an artist whose creative
transgressions and cultural provocations have literally exploded the accepted
parameters of art making in our time.
presents nine real cars in a cinematic progression that simulates a car bombing,
occupying the central atrium of the Frank Lloyd Wright rotunda.
This is the outcome Democrats dread most, the one likely to cause hard
feelings more than any fair-and-square election victory ever could. The
salvation of the Democratic system has previously been the propensity for
voters to unite around a winner early ... This time, the Democratic race has
come down to just two candidates, either of whom could win. It is going into
the late states, no matter what. It is an undemocratic game in which the
voters are mathematically incapable of picking the winner without the help
of unelected party elders.
By noon, the State Board of Elections had received about 400 calls, many of them
from callers asking why their polling places were closed.
one goal is to make sure Bush does not enjoy a resurgence in public approval
that could help Republican congressional candidates and the Republican
presidential nominee in this year's elections.
became a rallying cry for conservatives and their ideology. Progressives are
still living with that.