Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Three Cheers for Scott Brown

... with respect to those who wish to harm us: I believe that our Constitution and laws exist to protect this nation. They do not grant rights and privileges to enemies in wartime. In dealing with terrorists, our tax dollars should pay for weapons to stop them, not lawyers to defend them.

(Senator-elect Brown's victory speech, January 19, 2010)

Quick punditry: Three issues elected Scott Brown:
Obamacare; the Christmas near miss airline bombing (and Janet Napolitano's declaration that "the system worked"); and the Administration's plans for civil trials of terrorists.
Major media covered the last few days of the campaign but as far as I could tell, no one outside Massachusetts reported what Brown said in his stump speeches. I'm guessing he spoke as much about national security as he did about health care.

Martha Coakley was right about one thing: 2010 will be hell for the Democrats.

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